TBDoff-site construction
Why Entekra Tanked Is Relevant; But, Why It Matters Is Crucial
An exclusive TBD second-day lead and analysis of where Entekra's shocking failure casts critical questions on an array of housing innovation initiatives that have sprung up in the past five to seven years.
This Woman's Job: Reignite The Future Of Housing Construction
Joining VBC as it merges with Polcom to become a global manufacturer of housing, hospitality, and commercial structures, Helena Lidelöw's first task at hand as CTO is to breathe life into what was Katerra's Tracy, CA facility.
Why Factories Produce Only 3% Of New Homes In The US
Now -- when start-to-completion cycles are stretching to 6 months and beyond -- might be an opportune time for big players to huddle and solve for the future role of factories.
The Future Is Now: Lead, Don't Wallow
The capability challenge, our Dream Team posits, can only be solved through the embrace of data, technology, process and a pivot to collaboration in a dog-eat-dog culture.

off-site construction
Technology 04.28.23
Why Entekra Tanked Is Relevant; But, Why It Matters Is Crucial
An exclusive TBD second-day lead and analysis of where Entekra's shocking failure casts critical questions on an array of housing innovation initiatives that have sprung up in the past five to seven years.
Leadership 01.21.22
This Woman's Job: Reignite The Future Of Housing Construction
Joining VBC as it merges with Polcom to become a global manufacturer of housing, hospitality, and commercial structures, Helena Lidelöw's first task at hand as CTO is to breathe life into what was Katerra's Tracy, CA facility.
Technology 07.29.21
Why Factories Produce Only 3% Of New Homes In The US
Now -- when start-to-completion cycles are stretching to 6 months and beyond -- might be an opportune time for big players to huddle and solve for the future role of factories.
Leadership 05.21.21
The Future Is Now: Lead, Don't Wallow
The capability challenge, our Dream Team posits, can only be solved through the embrace of data, technology, process and a pivot to collaboration in a dog-eat-dog culture.