TBDhousing economics

Early-Movers D.R. Horton And Pretium Signal It's Their Time To Strike


Early-Movers D.R. Horton And Pretium Signal It's Their Time To Strike

The $1.5 billion agreement between Pretium and D.R. Horton reflects conviction of each of the participants around two plausibilities, or perhaps, likelihoods. That doesn't mean they're bound to turn out as expected.

A.I. And New-Home Demand: Are They On A Collision Course?


A.I. And New-Home Demand: Are They On A Collision Course?

The economy's direction and trajectory now have an added catalyst sculpting the shape and size of the "buyer pool" ... A.I.

As Housing Challenges Mount, The Throes Of Opportunity Call


As Housing Challenges Mount, The Throes Of Opportunity Call

In a focus on housing's role in the decline of overall financial well-being, Fed analysts framed three of their insights around homeownership and mortgages, where both the severity of the challenge and the ripeness of opportunity jump out.

A S.W.O.T. For Homebuilding In 2023 Might Look Like This


A S.W.O.T. For Homebuilding In 2023 Might Look Like This

Real demand and its plain as day causes has reset a 2023 talk-track from a playing-on-defense to one that's -- cautiously -- driving toward more rapid growth on offense, with more production and more investment to feed the machine of future growth.

A Tilted Playing Field Favoring New-Home Sales Spurs Rosier Outlook


A Tilted Playing Field Favoring New-Home Sales Spurs Rosier Outlook

Why is homebuilder confidence bouncing back with such conviction when the backdrop of economic, household, spending, and employment near-future-outlooks contains so many wildcards? It's complicated.

Early-Movers D.R. Horton And Pretium Signal It's Their Time To Strike


Early-Movers D.R. Horton And Pretium Signal It's Their Time To Strike

The $1.5 billion agreement between Pretium and D.R. Horton reflects conviction of each of the participants around two plausibilities, or perhaps, likelihoods. That doesn't mean they're bound to turn out as expected.

A.I. And New-Home Demand: Are They On A Collision Course?


A.I. And New-Home Demand: Are They On A Collision Course?

The economy's direction and trajectory now have an added catalyst sculpting the shape and size of the "buyer pool" ... A.I.

As Housing Challenges Mount, The Throes Of Opportunity Call


As Housing Challenges Mount, The Throes Of Opportunity Call

In a focus on housing's role in the decline of overall financial well-being, Fed analysts framed three of their insights around homeownership and mortgages, where both the severity of the challenge and the ripeness of opportunity jump out.

A S.W.O.T. For Homebuilding In 2023 Might Look Like This


A S.W.O.T. For Homebuilding In 2023 Might Look Like This

Real demand and its plain as day causes has reset a 2023 talk-track from a playing-on-defense to one that's -- cautiously -- driving toward more rapid growth on offense, with more production and more investment to feed the machine of future growth.

A Tilted Playing Field Favoring New-Home Sales Spurs Rosier Outlook


A Tilted Playing Field Favoring New-Home Sales Spurs Rosier Outlook

Why is homebuilder confidence bouncing back with such conviction when the backdrop of economic, household, spending, and employment near-future-outlooks contains so many wildcards? It's complicated.

housing economics

Early-Movers D.R. Horton And Pretium Signal It's Their Time To Strike

Capital 06.05.23

Early-Movers D.R. Horton And Pretium Signal It's Their Time To Strike

The $1.5 billion agreement between Pretium and D.R. Horton reflects conviction of each of the participants around two plausibilities, or perhaps, likelihoods. That doesn't mean they're bound to turn out as expected.

A.I. And New-Home Demand: Are They On A Collision Course?

Technology 06.02.23

A.I. And New-Home Demand: Are They On A Collision Course?

The economy's direction and trajectory now have an added catalyst sculpting the shape and size of the "buyer pool" ... A.I.

As Housing Challenges Mount, The Throes Of Opportunity Call

Leadership 05.30.23

As Housing Challenges Mount, The Throes Of Opportunity Call

In a focus on housing's role in the decline of overall financial well-being, Fed analysts framed three of their insights around homeownership and mortgages, where both the severity of the challenge and the ripeness of opportunity jump out.

A S.W.O.T. For Homebuilding In 2023 Might Look Like This

Leadership 05.17.23

A S.W.O.T. For Homebuilding In 2023 Might Look Like This

Real demand and its plain as day causes has reset a 2023 talk-track from a playing-on-defense to one that's -- cautiously -- driving toward more rapid growth on offense, with more production and more investment to feed the machine of future growth.

A Tilted Playing Field Favoring New-Home Sales Spurs Rosier Outlook

Leadership 05.16.23

A Tilted Playing Field Favoring New-Home Sales Spurs Rosier Outlook

Why is homebuilder confidence bouncing back with such conviction when the backdrop of economic, household, spending, and employment near-future-outlooks contains so many wildcards? It's complicated.