TBDhousing data
Homebuilders: Do You See A Virtuous Circle Or A Series Of Tailwinds?
After bumper crop early 2024 sales, word is that March numbers are coming in lower than earlier, unseasonably high order rates, and in many cases have slipped below normal seasonality for typical Spring Selling cadences. Blip or trend?
Here's Homebuilding Data Guru Jody Kahn On The '24 Land Sweeps
Homebuilders are stoked about better-than-expected demand that arrived ahead of schedule in 2024. For many of them, it's supply -- particularly lot supply -- that represents the red flag risk ahead.
Forecast Season: Be Sure Your Shock Absorber Is Built To Last
Here's a sneak-peak at the first of the national housing forecasts for 2024, and what they signal about business conditions.
Marketing & Sales
15 'Must-Dos' To Set Your Sales Teams Up For Success This Fall
Will your homebuilding sales in the back-half of 2023 reflect a better than-, equal to-, or worse-than performance vs. historical seasonality? Depends on whether or not the team counts on mojo in demand pull, or pushes to keep driving demand.
Together with
New Home Star
Leveling The Field: How Outlier Local Builders Can Win On Land
Land deals are out there to be had. Getting them to pencil — especially with upward or downward pricing flexility in the mix — puts capital and its cost in focus.
Together with

housing data
Leadership 03.27.24
Homebuilders: Do You See A Virtuous Circle Or A Series Of Tailwinds?
After bumper crop early 2024 sales, word is that March numbers are coming in lower than earlier, unseasonably high order rates, and in many cases have slipped below normal seasonality for typical Spring Selling cadences. Blip or trend?
Land 03.05.24
Here's Homebuilding Data Guru Jody Kahn On The '24 Land Sweeps
Homebuilders are stoked about better-than-expected demand that arrived ahead of schedule in 2024. For many of them, it's supply -- particularly lot supply -- that represents the red flag risk ahead.
Capital 10.16.23
Forecast Season: Be Sure Your Shock Absorber Is Built To Last
Here's a sneak-peak at the first of the national housing forecasts for 2024, and what they signal about business conditions.
Marketing & Sales 07.24.23
15 'Must-Dos' To Set Your Sales Teams Up For Success This Fall
Will your homebuilding sales in the back-half of 2023 reflect a better than-, equal to-, or worse-than performance vs. historical seasonality? Depends on whether or not the team counts on mojo in demand pull, or pushes to keep driving demand.
Capital 06.21.23
Leveling The Field: How Outlier Local Builders Can Win On Land
Land deals are out there to be had. Getting them to pencil — especially with upward or downward pricing flexility in the mix — puts capital and its cost in focus.