TBDcarrying costs
The Lennar Business System: A How-To For De-Risking Land Buys
Lennar Executive Chairman and Co-CEO Stuart Miller reinforced a mantra he’s been drilling into stakeholders' and observers' heads for years. It’s not complicated to grasp: Starts. Sales. Deliveries.
Underwriting In A New World Order Of Higher-Longer Rates
Determine “what’s the bet?” What are we really banking on or believing in that leads us to do this deal? You can’t answer this question rigorously unless you are ruthlessly honest in your pro formas. -- A Scott Cox MasterClass
Together with
New Home Star
The Take-Away: Scott Cox Offers 10 Gems Of Timely Wisdom And Wit
From business, investment, and real estate's rich trove of quotable quotes, Scott picks 10 of his favorites, and adds a dispassionate, clear-eyed view of how each applies to the present-day wild ride.
Omicron — In An Era Of Ongoing Challenge — Means More Testing
Housing leaders — already battling a daunting array of business, operational, and logistical challenges — need to up their game on ensuring workplace, jobsite, customer, and partner safety as variants emerge.
Priority #1 Amid Economic, Policy, Supply Upheaval: Customers
Your homebuying consumers may pay higher prices for all durables -- including new homes -- in the months ahead. But it's the wrong time to deemphasize focus on what they value. That's where imagination plays a role.

carrying costs
Land 03.15.24
The Lennar Business System: A How-To For De-Risking Land Buys
Lennar Executive Chairman and Co-CEO Stuart Miller reinforced a mantra he’s been drilling into stakeholders' and observers' heads for years. It’s not complicated to grasp: Starts. Sales. Deliveries.
Land 03.22.23
Underwriting In A New World Order Of Higher-Longer Rates
Determine “what’s the bet?” What are we really banking on or believing in that leads us to do this deal? You can’t answer this question rigorously unless you are ruthlessly honest in your pro formas. -- A Scott Cox MasterClass
Land 03.10.22
The Take-Away: Scott Cox Offers 10 Gems Of Timely Wisdom And Wit
From business, investment, and real estate's rich trove of quotable quotes, Scott picks 10 of his favorites, and adds a dispassionate, clear-eyed view of how each applies to the present-day wild ride.
Leadership 12.01.21
Omicron — In An Era Of Ongoing Challenge — Means More Testing
Housing leaders — already battling a daunting array of business, operational, and logistical challenges — need to up their game on ensuring workplace, jobsite, customer, and partner safety as variants emerge.
Leadership 11.22.21
Priority #1 Amid Economic, Policy, Supply Upheaval: Customers
Your homebuying consumers may pay higher prices for all durables -- including new homes -- in the months ahead. But it's the wrong time to deemphasize focus on what they value. That's where imagination plays a role.