Marketing & Sales
Renters Stay Put Despite Record Supply Of New Apartment Units
Rising lease renewal rates mean fewer renters may make the leap to homeownership just as Spring Selling begins. With rates still high and affordability gaps widening, builders now face an uphill battle to attract buyers who might have been pushed out of rentals and into the for-sale market.
Unveiling Its Latest Partnership, BTF Turns Vicious Circles Virtuous
Hatching a new community-level alliance with the US Army Reserve Private Public Partnership Office, Building Talent Foundation aims to push solving housing's human talent challenge as a step toward solving to all of housing's other crises.
Two Fallacies Of Construction's Labor Capacity Crisis, And A Real-World Fix
Few doubt the fact that unstable access to skilled and adaptive frontline workers, managers, and strategists right up the value chain stands, arguably, as the No. 1 risk to business plans, industry sector capability, and economic impact in residential investment.
Together with
Building Industry Partners
Ways Out Of Housing's 'Vicious Circle' Crisis: #1 Guest Workers
If there's a way through and out of America's supply-demand vicious circle whose byproduct is less affordability, immigrants will play a present, near-term-, and long-term future role.
Together with
Construction Talent Of The Future Is Here, ... Hidden In Plain Sight
We come to the end of the beginning of a new decade with plenty of good reason to celebrate stunning achievement in the face of challenge. Too, a new future of work in building has only just begun to make an impact.

Marketing & Sales 02.10.25
Renters Stay Put Despite Record Supply Of New Apartment Units
Rising lease renewal rates mean fewer renters may make the leap to homeownership just as Spring Selling begins. With rates still high and affordability gaps widening, builders now face an uphill battle to attract buyers who might have been pushed out of rentals and into the for-sale market.
Leadership 11.10.23
Unveiling Its Latest Partnership, BTF Turns Vicious Circles Virtuous
Hatching a new community-level alliance with the US Army Reserve Private Public Partnership Office, Building Talent Foundation aims to push solving housing's human talent challenge as a step toward solving to all of housing's other crises.
Leadership 05.05.23
Two Fallacies Of Construction's Labor Capacity Crisis, And A Real-World Fix
Few doubt the fact that unstable access to skilled and adaptive frontline workers, managers, and strategists right up the value chain stands, arguably, as the No. 1 risk to business plans, industry sector capability, and economic impact in residential investment.
Leadership 02.21.23
Ways Out Of Housing's 'Vicious Circle' Crisis: #1 Guest Workers
If there's a way through and out of America's supply-demand vicious circle whose byproduct is less affordability, immigrants will play a present, near-term-, and long-term future role.
Policy 12.01.22
Construction Talent Of The Future Is Here, ... Hidden In Plain Sight
We come to the end of the beginning of a new decade with plenty of good reason to celebrate stunning achievement in the face of challenge. Too, a new future of work in building has only just begun to make an impact.