TBDLand strategy
Lennar's Land-Light Blueprint Advances In Real-World Roadmap
As Lennar draws back the curtain and discusses details of its Millrose land spin-off entity, The Builder's Daily dives into what the change in how Lennar does business means, and what it bodes for all American builders everywhere.
Defying Bigger-Is-Better Odds, Davidson Eyes A Win In Dallas Entry
With plans to control over 600 lots in the coming months and a clear growth strategy, Davidson Homes is poised to make a significant impact in Dallas-Fort Worth, proving that size isn’t everything when it comes to success.
D.R. Horton's Q3 Earnings Reveal A Case Study In Winning Market Share
A turbulent, volatile, uncertain demand market is not the only force making life difficult for 99% of homebuilding operators right now.
Lennar's Long-Planned 'Spin' Is Set In Motion As An Asset-Light Future Arrives
This move underscores a broader trend towards the "asset-light" business model, which is now widely being adopted by major homebuilding enterprises, public and private.
The Lennar Business System: A How-To For De-Risking Land Buys
Lennar Executive Chairman and Co-CEO Stuart Miller reinforced a mantra he’s been drilling into stakeholders' and observers' heads for years. It’s not complicated to grasp: Starts. Sales. Deliveries.

Land strategy
Land 09.23.24
Lennar's Land-Light Blueprint Advances In Real-World Roadmap
As Lennar draws back the curtain and discusses details of its Millrose land spin-off entity, The Builder's Daily dives into what the change in how Lennar does business means, and what it bodes for all American builders everywhere.
Land 08.12.24
Defying Bigger-Is-Better Odds, Davidson Eyes A Win In Dallas Entry
With plans to control over 600 lots in the coming months and a clear growth strategy, Davidson Homes is poised to make a significant impact in Dallas-Fort Worth, proving that size isn’t everything when it comes to success.
Leadership 07.19.24
D.R. Horton's Q3 Earnings Reveal A Case Study In Winning Market Share
A turbulent, volatile, uncertain demand market is not the only force making life difficult for 99% of homebuilding operators right now.
Land 06.21.24
Lennar's Long-Planned 'Spin' Is Set In Motion As An Asset-Light Future Arrives
This move underscores a broader trend towards the "asset-light" business model, which is now widely being adopted by major homebuilding enterprises, public and private.
Land 03.15.24
The Lennar Business System: A How-To For De-Risking Land Buys
Lennar Executive Chairman and Co-CEO Stuart Miller reinforced a mantra he’s been drilling into stakeholders' and observers' heads for years. It’s not complicated to grasp: Starts. Sales. Deliveries.