Wellness & The Built Environment
Financial Well-Being, A New Frontier In Housing Opportunity
Financial well-being stands out as the least discussed and understood of the worries and pain-points among 3,000 respondents of Wave 3 of the America At Home Study.
Together with
Well-Being At Home
Some Call It 'Soft Infrastructure,' ... Some Know It Can Save Lives
Like the more commonly understood benefits of building walkable neighborhoods to encourage physical activity, building spaces and places that encourage social connection is much more critical to health outcomes than their designation as “soft infrastructure” may suggest
Together with
Wellness & The Built Environment
Safer Havens: The New-Home Community With Core Of Wellness
Data, evidence, and consumer behavioral traction prove out downturn-resistant value in planned communities that fully integrate resident well-being.
Top 10 Trends Influencing A Homebuilding Pivot By 2030
Here's our No. 8 force-factor in a series of non-optional drivers of transformation among homebuilders and their partners. Guess what's in charge of how this is going to work?

Wellness & The Built Environment 02.14.23
Financial Well-Being, A New Frontier In Housing Opportunity
Financial well-being stands out as the least discussed and understood of the worries and pain-points among 3,000 respondents of Wave 3 of the America At Home Study.
Well-Being At Home 01.18.23
Some Call It 'Soft Infrastructure,' ... Some Know It Can Save Lives
Like the more commonly understood benefits of building walkable neighborhoods to encourage physical activity, building spaces and places that encourage social connection is much more critical to health outcomes than their designation as “soft infrastructure” may suggest
Wellness & The Built Environment 11.17.22
Safer Havens: The New-Home Community With Core Of Wellness
Data, evidence, and consumer behavioral traction prove out downturn-resistant value in planned communities that fully integrate resident well-being.
Leadership 12.22.21
Top 10 Trends Influencing A Homebuilding Pivot By 2030
Here's our No. 8 force-factor in a series of non-optional drivers of transformation among homebuilders and their partners. Guess what's in charge of how this is going to work?