TBDfinancial technology
25 Finalists Recognized For Ivory Innovations' Annual Prize
Innovators demonstrated capability and commitment to housing innovation with feasible, scalable, and ambitious approaches to critical challenges faced by builders, residents, and communities nationwide.
Flawless Execution Will Divide 2024's Winners From Losers
Six operational imperatives will build flexibility and optionality into homebuilding firms' near- and mid-term capacity to withstand both continued volatility and turbulence regarding demand and ongoing supply constraints.
Together with
Getting Beyond The A.I. Hype: Tips From A Long-Trusted Advisor
“It's the 80-20 rule. People who are willing to change – they'll grasp it quickly. Other people will not grasp it until they have to, or because they're forced to, or it becomes the norm. They won’t be the leaders or the most successful." -- Al Trellis
Can Private Builders Get Even? With Cash, No. Other Ways? Yes
As big national publics get ready to deploy cash to take market share and boost earnings, smaller operators bring in new tools to compete.
Together with
The 'Lennar Machine,' A Cycle-Proof Growth Plan Proves Itself
The Machine's central implication for Lennar as one of the leading $30-billion-plus competitors in its markets is as a pace and production-first operator that models growth and profitability around those tenets as imperatives.

financial technology
Leadership 02.21.24
25 Finalists Recognized For Ivory Innovations' Annual Prize
Innovators demonstrated capability and commitment to housing innovation with feasible, scalable, and ambitious approaches to critical challenges faced by builders, residents, and communities nationwide.
Technology 12.22.23
Flawless Execution Will Divide 2024's Winners From Losers
Six operational imperatives will build flexibility and optionality into homebuilding firms' near- and mid-term capacity to withstand both continued volatility and turbulence regarding demand and ongoing supply constraints.
Technology 12.10.23
Getting Beyond The A.I. Hype: Tips From A Long-Trusted Advisor
“It's the 80-20 rule. People who are willing to change – they'll grasp it quickly. Other people will not grasp it until they have to, or because they're forced to, or it becomes the norm. They won’t be the leaders or the most successful." -- Al Trellis
Technology 07.26.23
Can Private Builders Get Even? With Cash, No. Other Ways? Yes
As big national publics get ready to deploy cash to take market share and boost earnings, smaller operators bring in new tools to compete.
Leadership 06.19.23
The 'Lennar Machine,' A Cycle-Proof Growth Plan Proves Itself
The Machine's central implication for Lennar as one of the leading $30-billion-plus competitors in its markets is as a pace and production-first operator that models growth and profitability around those tenets as imperatives.