Depending On Your Market, Next 6 Months May Go Up Or Down
Wolfe Research respondents expect 3rd quarter Order trends to match normal seasonality with nearly an equal number of Private Builders expecting 3Q to outperform normal seasonality versus underperform.
As Housing Challenges Mount, The Throes Of Opportunity Call
In a focus on housing's role in the decline of overall financial well-being, Fed analysts framed three of their insights around homeownership and mortgages, where both the severity of the challenge and the ripeness of opportunity jump out.
The Builder's Daily Readers Say They're Up To '23's Challenges
Three out of four respondents in our survey two weeks ago see a housing market on the rebound, righting itself relatively quickly.
Together with
Capitol Close-Up: U.S. Senate Focuses On Affordability Crisis
Housing's affordability crisis, whether or not the economy weakens, shakes off its challenges, or rebounds over the next 12 to 24 months, is on pace to get worse for those in its clutches.
Crystal-Balling 2023 Amid A Dizzying Array Of Unknowns
Can you withstand an $81 billion swing to the negative in homebuilding revenues in 2023? Here are 5 'what-ifs?' we'll need to stay tuned on before we make predictions about how homebuilders may fare in 2023.

Land 07.13.23
Depending On Your Market, Next 6 Months May Go Up Or Down
Wolfe Research respondents expect 3rd quarter Order trends to match normal seasonality with nearly an equal number of Private Builders expecting 3Q to outperform normal seasonality versus underperform.
Leadership 05.30.23
As Housing Challenges Mount, The Throes Of Opportunity Call
In a focus on housing's role in the decline of overall financial well-being, Fed analysts framed three of their insights around homeownership and mortgages, where both the severity of the challenge and the ripeness of opportunity jump out.
Leadership 03.29.23
The Builder's Daily Readers Say They're Up To '23's Challenges
Three out of four respondents in our survey two weeks ago see a housing market on the rebound, righting itself relatively quickly.
Policy 02.10.23
Capitol Close-Up: U.S. Senate Focuses On Affordability Crisis
Housing's affordability crisis, whether or not the economy weakens, shakes off its challenges, or rebounds over the next 12 to 24 months, is on pace to get worse for those in its clutches.
Leadership 12.08.22
Crystal-Balling 2023 Amid A Dizzying Array Of Unknowns
Can you withstand an $81 billion swing to the negative in homebuilding revenues in 2023? Here are 5 'what-ifs?' we'll need to stay tuned on before we make predictions about how homebuilders may fare in 2023.